Recently, I had a dream of beauty and terror.
In this dream of beauty and terror, I traverse the edges of earth and water, immersed in gorgeous pink and purple sunsets. Dancing in places where ocean and soil meet, the people of the world gather and we offer our songs. Beautiful, opulent praises of joy rise from us! We sing like birds, on these edges, together. We sing the world’s songs, weeping and greeting the immaculate beauty presented to us. We are enrobed in our many cultures, celebrating the lineages of life, singing in tune with the earth.
Also, in this dreamworld is the presence of an invisible force of discord, a malevolence, which has us suddenly running, sheltering in empty palaces, fighting for our lives.
In this dream, we weave between great global praise and great global destruction. We weave between deep belonging and terror.
This dream, when it arrived, landed in my spirit like an unshakeable truth. A truth which has needed great care and ongoing tending. I’ve offered this dream space to be grieved, danced, sung, written, and shared with loved ones. The prophetic imagination of this dream of unshakeable beauty and fear is feeling very “on point” for these times as we humans are gathering to sing our best praises, meanwhile there is the presence of discord in the music of the earth, as forces of destruction make themselves overt.
As we weave closer to April 1st and our delicious choice to join the wave, the chorus, the delight of earth’s song at dawn, I am tuning into the polarity between grief and praise that my dream has planted. It feels ever-audacious to lean into the birthright of beauty-making and reciprocal communication with earthsong, as the rise of human pain and struggle amplifies. To join the simplicity and depth of listening, listening, listening...and authentically responding to the chorus of delight that emerges at dawn each morning- is a participation in the cycle of things that feels ever-liberating and simply, necessary.
You can see more of Amy’s work https://www.instagram.com/mz._thunder/
Earthsongwave Dawn Chorus is yearly Ceremony on 1 April where humans around the world sing in at dawn creating a wave of song with the ‘others’ around Earth. It is a ‘Feed The Earth’ song of reciprocity/gift in the 8th year reaching 87 countries. Self-organised. You can subscribe to continue receiving these posts. You can see an abundance of resources in this website.
Will you also join us for Earthsongwave Dawn Chorus Council this year, listening in, singing out?
We are offering a Council in 3 times zones around the Earth. One before 1 April, One after as a way of listening/singing together; might there be responses, patterns, encounters …
One in Australia, in Australia has already sung, warming up richly into the world. Might you be in the next; both this coming week? The idea is not to sing songs you know, but to listen to the land, your body, for the songs that want to come mysteriously forth, wildsongs. Note the following dates.
Please contact your area Council holder for Council links and any further information:
Time zones along AWST
with Jenni: jenniyork@southernphone.com.au
Pre Earthsongwave Dawn Chorus Council is Wednesday, 26 February, 2-3:30pm AWST - this one has occurred
Post Earthsongwave Dawn Chorus Council is Wednesday, 2 April, 2-3:30 AWST
Time zones along BST
with Wendy: wendy.fyfe@btinternet.com
Pre Earthsongwave Dawn Chorus Council is Thursday, 6 March, 4 - 5.30pm GMT THIS WEEK!!!
Post Earthsongwave Dawn Chorus Council is Thursday 3 April, 4 - 5.30pm BST
Time Zones along EST
With Amy: tuttleamyj@gmail.com
Pre Earthsongwave Dawn Chorus Council is Tuesday 4 March, 3 - 4.30pm EST THIS WEEK!!!
Post Earthsongwave Dawn Chorus Council is Friday 4 April, 3 - 4.30pm EST
Please offer some time for a dawn wander before Council. We’ll delightfully send a prompt with the zoom link
Alternatively, create your own gathering … your own Council …
You can also find Earthsongwave Dawn Chorus
subscribe in this website and also: https://earthsongwave.substack.com/p/beauty-and-terror-at-the-edges
We look forward to seeing and hearing your voices
Wild Earthsong blessings ~